Welcome to our brand new site - BLACK HOLE OF KNOWLEDGE!! A site just meant for Stuencers... 

Here we post all our new science contents along with some extra points, which we don't tell in our videos!!


Stuencers are the people whom do really love science and are ready to become a pioneer in science. The actual expansion of STUENCER is STUDENT SCIENCE LOVER. We believe that each and everyone is a student in their life learning new lessons and stuffs everyday and age doesn't matter at all!! There are so many things which are so older and younger, brighter and darker, stronger and weaker and so open and mysterious. It all makes up this universe which makes it a very suitable place for humans and especially Stuencers to learn stuffs each and every day. And our work is to make such Stuencers and encourage them to learn new things to build a beautiful community of civilized and insightful people. 

Now if you want to join in this community, all you need to do is just to scroll down and check out contents... So let's all build a STUENCER COMMUNITY!!

Want to know about the real classical antiheroes of this universe?? Check out this article to fall in love with them...

The theory is based on a single dimensioned string, but will explain about the universe with 10 dimensions. Want to know how these magical threads work? Check out this article to get fascinated...

Finding blood in your streets as river isn't scary compared to the hypothesis they put forward to explain this phenomenon... Check this out!!